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May 8, 2022
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Wisp script | By Aloex
Be 10 out of 10 on Io
Only smart scripts for our users

Enabler - Manage script status

Combo safe
Combo safe - Setting up a combination to save an ally on the button. Works for 5 seconds, i.e. you don't need to press the key
Target selector - Selecting ally. It's also possible to display which ally you will save and at what radius around the mouse
Safe key - Key on pressing which Wisp will automatically press the teaser to an ally and use the items you set up. Likewise, if you were primed to someone but pressed the save button, it will automatically break the connection and use the teaser on the one you want to save. If you have an Ancient Apparation ult modifier on you, but your ally doesn't, it will click the atames on them
Abilities - Abilities that will be used at the press of the escape button
Items - The items that will be used in combo

Items settings
Use Greaves/Mekanism if tether and only in range - Use Greaves/Greaves only in range 1200. If you are tethering but out of range, they will not be used.
If tether cooldown and need safe use items - Not done yet

Auto Safe Settings
Auto Safe - automatic rescue at a certain hep threshold.
Auto Safe Enable - Enable/disable auto save. When xp (of an ally you left in the rescue menu settings) falls below (Ally xp threshold > (Ally xp - damage from attack)) it automatically teaserizes and uses items for rescue. I advise you to occasionally watch how much hp is set. Since over time allies hp increases, but the value remains the same, for this there is a protection (you can not drop below 10% hp). If you'll have an Ancient Apparation ultimates modifier, but not on the ally, it will click on it.
Auto Safe key - Enable/disable auto save by key
Auto Safe Only if alredy tethered - Not done yet
Auto Safe Dangerous abilities - set to automatically save an ally when a dangerous ability that ONLY CAN KILL is cast.
Auto Safe Dangerous abilities Enable - Enable/disable automatic rescue if dangerous abilities are cast. If an ally (which was left in the menu settings) is casted by enemy ultimates of heroes such as: Axe, Lina, Lion, QP, (The rest are in development Beastmaster, QP, Antimage) and can kill an ally (there is a calculation of damage, etc.) then Wisp will automatically teaser and will save the ally.
Auto Safe Dng key - Enable/disable auto save by dng key if dangerous abilities are cast
Auto Safe Dng Only if alredy tethered - In progress

Show On/Off heal panel - Button to open closing the main panel, where you can set the threshold of ally hp at which it will automatically save the ally or threshold up to which to heal the ally. Possibility to turn off or turn on auto-save and rescue at dangerous abilities
Show potential heal panel - Under development
Move panels - On/off ability to move panels
Move panels key - Button to move the main panel and potential heal panel.
Abilities - Display abilities
Show tether cd - Show how many seconds are left until the teaser reloads if it was pressed on an ally. There is a text and image display. Will adjust if you've used Spirit.
Show relocate on start - Show how many seconds are left until teleportation on relocate, very useful if you want to save an ally from chronosphere. Display is at the cursor and next to your character or just at the cursor.
Show tether range - Show tether range brake
Show tether range brake - Show teaser's breaking radius