Additional features and bug fixes for heroes in 09K AIO


New member
Jun 11, 2023
I would like to request additional features for heroes attached to the 09K AIO. Here is the list of the heroes + features:
  • Arc Warden Clone -- Menu Option does not work in the farm option. Only works when the clone is attacking enemy
  • Bloodseeker -- Feature to use blood rage on the attack even if there is no enemy hero in range
  • BrewMaster -- Auto use of the E spell. Change to Fire when W was cast on the enemy. Change to Storm when moving. Change to Earth when attacked and stunned for example.
  • Dark Willow -- Add option to use terrorize to save allies if % HP is less than 30
  • Elder Titan -- Move astral spirit through creeps for extra damage, armor, and movement speed.
  • Ember Spirit -- Feature to use only 1 Fire Remnant while initiating or to leave 1 Fire Remnant to escape. The main idea is to have 1 Fire Remnant saved.
  • Juggernaut -- Auto usage of ward if % HP is below 35%
  • Kunka -- Bug: does not use Torrent without X mark even if disabled in Harass or Combo options. Also do does not use Torrent Strom with Aghanim Scepter
  • Magnus -- Option to Skewer without an ally in range
  • Mirana -- Option to leave one leap to escape. Not to use all Leaps for gap-closing
  • Monkey King -- Bug: or feature :D Uses a Boundless strike before stacking Jingu mastery. Option to use it only when 4 stacks of Jingu mastery are applied to the target
  • Night Stalker -- Add usage of E when the hero has Aghanim Shard
  • Phantom Lancer -- Feature to spread illusions on different sides. BUG: Phantom Rush does not work to engage the enemy, only when farming
  • Phoenix -- use Supernova if there are more than 2 enemy heroes or HP under 20%.
  • Sand King -- Combo is bad it has some kind of a bug with the UTL if the enemy is visible and the combo key is pressed the ult just reloads and cancels without being cast
  • Spectre -- Ult logit and shadow steps are terrible if the target is focused it won't jump with Shadow Step if no ally hero is very close. Also when Ults when the target is dead it jumps on another target that was in the enemy base
  • Slark -- Option to use only leap when has Aghanim scepter
  • Oracle - Does not use Rain Of Destiny after purchase of Aganim Shard
  • Timbersaw -- Does not use E when has Aghanim scepter to reduce damage is taken and active Armor stacks
  • TIDEHUNTER -- Does not use Tendrils of the Deep when the shard is purchased.
  • Witch Doctor -- Does not Voodoo Switcheroo when have shard

    I will update the list of heroes and features when changes occur.
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New member
May 31, 2022
This is pretty important because of value it brings in team fight:

Timbersaw -- Does not use E when has Aghanim scepter to reduce damage is taken and active Armor stacks


Active member
Staff member
Apr 30, 2022
  • Silver Edge -- When a hero is invisible with Silver Edge if the combo key is pressed the Hero starts to cast the combo which breaks the usage of Silver Edge and no Break debuff is applied to the enemy hero
you should turn this off
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