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  1. S

    Default Camera Distance

    Hello, i would like to know what the default camera distance is. i changed the camera distance once and now i just want to know what its default is.
  2. S

    Random Freeze

    03:45:06 | WARN | File not found: npc_dota_miniboss - npc_dota_miniboss - Unit 03:45:14 | ERROR | System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. (Parameter 'MeesageId: 160') at...
  3. S

    Random Freeze

    just the default stuff it comes with. is there a way to debugg or send u a log so you can investigate please?
  4. S

    Random Freeze

    Hello, I tried Divine for 3 days and noticed while using Divine i would frequently get 3-5 second Freeze randomly, sometimes in Lobby, Sometimes in game. how can i trouble shoot or get help with this problem?