Announcement Chargeback FAQ

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Apr 30, 2022

What Is A Chargeback​

A chargeback is a dispute between your bank and a merchant -- in this case Divine and it's payment providers. The funds you paid for our services are returned to your bank account, leaving us back with a lot of trouble and penalty fees.

It can happen for a few reasons, for example if you were charged for something you don't recognize and dispute it. If you notice a payment in your PayPal history you do not recognize, please visit the store's transaction list first and compare the listed subscriptions there with the payments made through your account. Payments towards Divine will be listed as payments to "Chachani, Misti y Pichu Pichu SRL".

Disabled Account​

Q: I am suspended because of a chargeback, how can I use Divine again?

We automatically suspend your account as soon as you open a dispute on PayPal or another payment provider for a payment towards us.

We always try to provide the best service possible and we offer a wide range of support in case you are facing issues (e.g.: refund). Moreover, you can always contact us privately using the Ticket System.

As soon as the dispute is fully closed and your payment is released to us, you will regain access to Divine again. If you are unable to close the dispute and wish to pay manually, please open a ticket.

Q: How long is the account disabled?

The suspension will remain active until the negative balance has been fully repaid.
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