earth spirit

  1. Sirius

    Release Earth Spirit | ESExtermination

    Earth Spirit | ESExtermination One of the most difficult heroes to play, which can turn the game upside down. Now it's easy with the Divine Settings On/Off - Manage script status Combo key - Key for combo usage Locked Target — Focusing on specific target Items - The items that will be...
  2. Blank0z

    Релиз Earth Spirit | ESExtermination - Скрипт на Earth Spirit для Dota 2!

    Earth Spirit | ESExtermination Ультимейт Smart Spells With Aghanim Scepter Minimum HP% for save with enchant — Минимальные порог здоровья% для автоматического использования скилла Enchant Remnant Auto push under towers — При возможности автоматически толкает вражеского героя под...