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  1. S

    Beta Invoker annihilation

    Thank you so much. I loved the cheat. It definetly worth its price
  2. S

    Release O9K // Farm

    sorry for my noob question but, how can I see the menu? I must have missed some things when installing the cheat. I only use "main" page to start dota and client. Is there anything else should I do to see the menu? This is my first time using cheat. I'm trying to understand. so far I like it but...
  3. S

    Beta Invoker annihilation

    how can I change the position of "standart combo" window or close it? I can't see my items
  4. S

    Release O9K // Farm

    Hi, how does it work? I installed the plugin. However, in training mode my hero does not try to get last hit automaticly. How can I activate it? I haven't tried it in matches yet, only in trainind mode.
  5. S

    Any User Guide?

    Hi, I could not find any article with information on how to use the cheat. Can you help me?